In July of 1977, the Lakeland Baptist Church was founded on the fundamentals of the Word of God. We are an autonomous body of believers that operate independently of any association or co-op of churches. By faith, we embrace the King James Bible as God’s inspired and preserved Word to English speaking people. It is our desire to personify the precepts and principles of the scriptures through our daily lives. We invite you to join us in any of our services where preaching, praying, and praising God are still on the menu. The congregational hymns, fellowship, testimonials, special singing, altar calls, mission outreaches, youth programs, Sunday School lessons, balanced preaching, and so much more will create an environment where God is able to minister to your spiritual needs. In a day of carnality, compromise, and counterfeit Christianity, we still embrace the doctrines, tenets, and traditions of our Baptist forefathers. When you enter the building, you’ll find a group of people who will welcome you and show you the love of Christ. Come and be a part of this “Family of Families”.